Youth Programs
Mayim Rabim services are family-friendly and often include children in the service and learning. We observe Jewish holidays, with special rituals, services, and celebrations, including family-fun.
Adult Education
Mayim Rabim offers regular adult education sessions on a variety of topics which are led by Rabbi Stiefel, lay leaders from the congregation, or outside speakers. Topics have included: "An Exploration of Reconstructionism", "Tikkun Olam, Sustainability, Eco-Kosher and Caring for Creation", "Jewish Spiritual Paths", "Who is a Jew," "Jewish Mourning Practices", and "Deepening our Connection to the Jewish Holidays." Any suggestions for future adult education sessions are always welcome.
No previous knowledge is required to attend any adult education event at Mayim Rabim.
For more information, or to make program/discussion topic suggestions, contact us.